Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 9

Assignment 2
In general I do think that they are somewhat successful. They try to bring out certain characteristics of the books. I would have to say that none of the trailers listed in the Chicago Tribune made me want to pick up the book and start reading it right away. I enjoyed the trailer on The Glass Castle much more because I was able to understand what the book was about and I appreciate her story. I think books like Devotion, by Dani Shapiro, can draw people in if they have had or are going through similar situations.

Assignment 3
All in all, I think it is a decent program. I do think it is a bit drawn out and I couldn't say that my reader's advisory skills have been significantly improved by the Be More Bookish Training. I did appreciate the handful of helpful websites but I feel like they can be located on a branch's FAQ page as a quick resource. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 8

Assignment 3

Memoirs: are mixed in with the Biography section

History: 300s, 600s, 900s
       A Curious Madness

Sports: 700s, 900s

Travel/ Adventure: 900s
       Eat, Pray, Love

Assignment 4

Eat, Pray, Love

This memoir that highlights the many ups and downs of Gilbert's personal journey to heal her soul. Along the way she meets many different characters that help her find herself through forgiveness and love. There are times where the reader may want to put the book down but Gilbert's style is entertaining and keeps the reader coming back for more. This may be a good book for anyone who is going through a tough time in their life... it may have a positive impact. (:

Hillenbrand's writing seems to be very detailed, deliberate, and packed with meaning. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the book so much is because the story is so much more than war and violence. It is a story about how much a person can endure. Zamperini's story is truly inspiring and is beautiful motivator.