Monday, July 13, 2015

Week 3

Assignment 1

Another article by Neal Wyatt! Yay! The points he makes are clear and concise and make for a good mental checklist when trying to have a good reader's advisory conversation. However, 15 seconds goes by really quickly when you're trying to think of a book they would like, while trying to  remember certain points to mention, while also trying to make the book sound appealing...

Assignment 2

Nancy Pearl's book talks are colorful, concise, and insightful for each of her descriptions. Her way of sharing these books is actively engaging and informative.

Assignment 3

Conversation 1
I would recommend the book Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert. The reader may be interested to see what happened next in the author's life if they enjoyed the book Eat, Pray, Love. Committed seems to carry the same themes of reflection and adventure, which the reader said she enjoyed. Another book that I would suggest is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Wild was also recommend by Oprah's Book Club which the reader said she enjoyed.
In Oprah's words...“I was on the edge of my seat. . . . It is just a wild ride of a read . . . stimulating, thought-provoking, soul-enhancing.”
—Oprah Winfrey, on Wild, first selection of her Book Club 2.0

Conversation 2
I found this one a bit challenging because I think that any book would be better than the Twilight series and not a ton of information was given otherwise. However, I would maybe recommend the Vampire Chronicles. The series seems like it keeps the reader well entertained with more than just romance but world domination and revenge as well. Additionally, the Chronicles are well written and keep a faster pace then the Twilight series.

Conversation 3
In the Kingdom of Ice by Hampton Sides sounds like a book that this reader may enjoy. This is a non-fiction book filled with exploration and adventure that comes highly recommended. Also, the book was written about the same time period as Teddy Roosevelt (mid to late 1800s) which the reader said he enjoyed.

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